About me

Jennifer Paulino Coaching about me

I’m Jennifer Paulino, certified coach supporting people as they reach for their desired transformations at work, at home, at life. I’ve spent over 15 years in the fields of health/wellness, education, leadership, and personal development. My training includes a Bachelor’s from New York University, a Master’s in Public Health from Columbia University, and coaching certifications from accredited training programs.

I love the process of personal transformation, in myself and others, helping people live up to who they really are and the life they really want. My clients are health professionals, educators, and leaders. They serve others at high levels and tend to be very accomplished - but they sense that something is out of alignment, something needs to change…sometimes in their career, or their lives, often both.

That was me just a few years ago. I knew there was a gap between the life I wanted and the life I was living. I went on to develop the skills to know what was getting in my way and how to change my reality. I learned that it was Me that needed a transformation. Are you ready for your personal transformation?

I do this work in service of You, and to be a model for my son, Evan. He’s why I am who I am and do what I do. I welcome you to this site and the world of personal transformation. I hope you find what you need and feel inspired, strengthened, and ready for more...ready for coaching support and ready more of You and your brilliance.

Cheering you on,